Philanthropy - Community


A non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs, as well as ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships with four types of canine assistance:

  • Service Dogs assist adults with disabilities by performing daily tasks like picking up dropped items and opening doors.
  • Hearing Dogs alert the deaf and hard of hearing to important sounds.
  • Facility Dogs work with professionals in a visitation, education or healthcare setting.
  • Finally, skilled Companion Dogs enhance independence for children and adults with physical, cognitive, and developmental disabilities.
  • All of this is provided to the recipient at no cost for the life of the dog.

 Volunteer opportunities:

  • Attend graduation, an awe inspiring ceremony when dogs and their people are presented upon completion of training
  • Prepare and serve lunch for the students and their families during their Student Team Training period.
  • Volunteer with registration during various fund raising events, such as the DogFest Dog Walk.
  • Walk the local fundraiser.
  • Volunteer as a puppy raiser.



Partnerships with other local civic organizations to provide one day opportunities that contribute to our communities.

  • September 2022: Car Wash at AWC parking lot to support Friday Night Out youth activities.
  • October 5, 2022: A Day at the Food Bank in Concord to sort and pack food for distributions to the underserved.
  • November 16, 2022: One Warm Coat collection with San Ramon Valley Rotary Club at AWC parking lot.
  • January 18, 2023: Kids  Against Hunger, Pleasanton. Pack dehydrated food for children in Ukraine and other needy communities.
  • February 15, 2023: American Red Cross Blood Drive at AWC to provide life-saving blood for those in need.
  • March, 2023: The Clean Up Crew. Pick up litter to keep our neighborhoods clean.



Penny Pines Reforestation Program - In 1941, the San Francisco Sportswomen Association began this program for reforestation in CA. Seedlings were produced for $.01, therefore, $68 purchased seedlings for 10 acres. The AWC has supported Penny Pines since at least 1965 through monthly donations of loose coins and have planted over 86 acres of tree in this reforestation program.  This is a GFWC-wide program and each club is required to donate at least $68 each year.